Call 01354 740 199 or for lodges call 07359 046440
For your safety, our safety and for the smooth running of the park, it is important you read, remember, and practice our requests. Our Good to Go Certificate shows that we are following government and industry Covid-19 guidelines throughout the site. We are still practicing these COVID guide lines after 19th July 2021.
Download a copy of our Covid-19 PolicyView our Good to Go Certificate
On arrival, we request that only the passenger in the car/motorhome gets out to check in please wear a face covering (even after 19th July 2021), obviously if travelling alone this does not apply to you. The passenger is only to get out of the vehicle when it is their turn to check in, if there is a queue, please stay in your vehicle and move forward as and when you can until your turn to check in.
It goes without saying, please be sensible and do not come to Fields End Water, if you have had any of the Covid 19 symptoms, (new persistent dry cough, temperature, flu like symptoms) in the last 14 days before arrival. Anyone who has the symptoms while on-site, please inform a member of staff immediately, self-isolate in their unit, and seek guidance from NHS 111.
We are only allowing 4 customers in the reception at any one time, so we can all stay 1 meter+ apart, please check on space before entering and follow sign and procedure at the reception steps.
There are hand sanitisers, in blue dispensers outside each building on the park, please use them.
We will be encouraging social distancing with posters around the park, we will insist that units are parked in the middle of the pitch, to maximise distance from other guests.
Fishing will be open as normal, only guests from the same unit can share a swim.
We may not be putting the benches out around the lakes for now, so less chance of cross contamination.
The café will be open for takeaway services and limited in house dining.
The toilet in reception will be for staff only.
Fishermans toilets will be open.
We will accept day visitors after July 19th 2021, please check in to reception for track & trace, and so we know who is on site.
We request that you pay for your holiday online (please see link on the email) before you arrive or over the phone only, if you really cannot pay online. This cuts down check in time and contact between staff and guests. We have erected a screen in reception to protect both parties too.
Please have a £10 note ready if you would like a barrier card.
There will be a couple of toilets and showers open on site.
The Elson waste system will be open for black waste only, please wash hands immediately after using it. Grey waste is to go to the drains at you pitches or under taps in areas of the park where you do not have a drain at your pitch. Please observe the one way system.
We have had to change the check-out time to 9am for the time being, so we get extra time to clean the lodges according to the government standards that have been put in place at the time, please see that this is for your own good, to know that they have been cleaned properly before you arrive.
TOURING: Our touring & glamping park are now closed until 20th December, we open for 2 weeks and close again until 1st March 2022. We will man the phones in the mornings, Monday - Friday if you need to make a booking, otherwise please book online anytime of day.
Fields End Water will be maintaining their COVID 19 standards, it will remain mandatory to wear a face covering in the reception building and facilities, this is to carry on protecting our staff and our guests. We will be encouraging hand sanitising and monitoring numbers in the reception at any one time. I am sure you will understand our reasons and work with us on this.
FISHING: From December 1st, the fishing lakes are open, please arrive between 8am - 12.00pm, reception is not manned now until March 2022, so please bring the correct change and buy your ticket in the hut, follow instruction and use the envelope provided.
If you do need to contact us, please email if possible, we can't manage the number of calls we are getting.
If you would like to cancel or change the dates of your holiday, please email us, as we need changes in writing.
Please stay safe and we will see you soon.
On site bar coming soon. We are installing a bar next to the cafe, will be open from early April. Cheers!
Day Fishing:
Day fishing arrival times: March 8am - 2pm.
Please leave by dusk or 9.30pm whichever comes soonest, and bring the correct change with you.